Monthly Archives: March 2015

Decoding Pinball Bus Signals Part 4

After spending a few weeks working on the software, it’s time to get back to the hardware. My first task is to hook up the arduino and see if I can reliably trigger off the interrupts.

The answer to that question is yes; setting the trigger on “FALLING” works reliably. But I came across the following behavior that is a big puzzling:

These are the row and column strobes. On the left, you can see the top strobe happens first, and then the bottom strobe. If I zoom in, I can see that they occur when data is present on the bus (bus signals not shown). Just as it should be.

But what is going on with the signals on the right? Here’s a bigger picture:

This is weird; first we see a column/row strobe with some crappy looking bus data, and then a row/column strobe with some good looking bus data. This would seem to indicate that part of the time, the CPU sends data and then sends different data soon after, and other times it just sends the data. The hardware in the machine won’t care; the time that the first data is present is so short that it should not affect the behavior of the lights in a noticeable way.

But is this what is really going on, or is it a glitch in my logic analyzer? Time to find out…

BTW, the big square wave in the middle is an output from the Arduino. An interrupt service routine is hooked up to the bottom signal on the trace, and the lag between the negative edge on the strobe and the positive edge on the arduino trace is the time it takes the interrupt to happen + the time it takes to turn on a pin. So, it appear the decision not to do this purely in software on the arduino is a good one.

To figure out what is going on, I wrote an arduino program:

void setup() {
  pinMode(0, INPUT);
  pinMode(1, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(0, rowDataHandler, FALLING);      // pin 2
  attachInterrupt(1, columnDataHandler, FALLING);   // pin 3

unsigned long startTime = 0;
const int ArraySize = 128;
unsigned long rowTimes[ArraySize];
unsigned long columnTimes[ArraySize];
int rowIndex = 0;
int columnIndex = 0;

void rowDataHandler()
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
  if (rowIndex < ArraySize)
    rowTimes[rowIndex] = micros();
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

void columnDataHandler()
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  if (columnIndex < ArraySize)
    columnTimes[columnIndex] = micros();
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  while (rowIndex < ArraySize && columnIndex < ArraySize)

  for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
    Serial.print(rowTimes[i] – startTime);
    Serial.println(columnTimes[i] – startTime);


  startTime = micros();
  rowIndex = 0;
  columnIndex = 0;

Basically, it sets up interrupt handlers for both row and column strobes and then starts saving the time when the interrupt occurs. When it has collected 128 of each, it stops collecting them, and the main loop sends them out over the serial port. Then the process repeats itself.

I took the data and pulled it into Excel for analysis. This is the delta time between interrupts, all times are in microseconds.

Row Delta Col Delta
2064 2112
44 44
1992 1992
44 44
2048 2044
44 44
1952 1956
44 44
2000 2000
44 44
2008 2008
44 44
2000 1996
44 44
1996 2000
44 44
2000 1956
2048 2048
2056 2056
2052 2096
44 44
1988 1984
44 44
2008 2008
44 44
1996 1996
44 44
2000 2000
44 44
2000 2004

There are times with a double interrupt, and other times that only have a single. Sometimes the row interrupt comes first, sometimes the column one comes. The period is right around 2 mS, so the frequency is pretty close to 500 Hz; exactly what I had measured before. The time period between the first one and the second is either 44 or 48 uS; I think the difference depends on the ordering.

The ratio of the two time periods is 44/2000, or just about 2%. Based on my extensive experience dimming lights by microcontroller, I can tell you that 2% isn’t really a noticeable difference in how a light looks; you *might* be able to detect the difference between 98% and 100% brightness in a controlled setting, but it would be hard to do. I’m confident that you can’t tell the difference between 0% and 2%, because on a incandescent light, 2% is just off.

I did a little graph in Excel that looked pretty much exactly like the logic analyzer image, so I won’t share it here.


How to deal with this? Well, I think it will actually turn out to be pretty simple. Instead of doing work directly off of the row or column interrupts, I will set up a short timer interrupt (let’s say 100 uS or so) whenever the row/column interrupt fires. That will be updated by any new strobes that occur before the timer expires, so the effect will be that the timer interrupt will be serviced a short time after the last row/column strobe.

Embedded development, unit testing, and Port/Adapter/Simulator

I’ve been working on a project to decode pinball bus signals to figure out the current state of the lights on the machine.

Why I am doing that is still shrouded in mystery, but I’m to the point where I have the hardware ready to hook together for prototyping purposes. At this point, I would generally start writing code, but this is a bit more sophisticated than what I usually build – I have shift registers to read through serial, some decoding logic to write, and I need to detect whether a light is on, off, or flashing.

So, taking a page from my day job, I decided to write the code using TDD. One of the advantages at TDD is that it’s good at making progress if you aren’t quite sure what you need; you start building things that you need, and pretty soon you’re done.

Since I knew that I needed to be able to read serial data out of a the shift registers and convert it into bytes, I started writing a SerialToByte converter. And, I decided to write it in my fastest TDD language – C#.  My plan is to write the code – using as few non-C++ features as possible – get it all working, and then convert it to C++ code for the Arduino.

Once I had that, I decided to write the class that would talk with the 74HC595 shift register. Conceptually, the operation that I need to do is fairly simple:

  1. When new data is available (how will I know this?)
  2. Flip the shift register from parallel to serial mode (it’s just setting a pin to low).
  3. Read a bit
  4. Clock to the next bit
  5. repeat until 8 bits are read
  6. Flip the shift register back to serial mode

There is a problem, however; to talk to the shift register I need to send electrical signals to the hardware, which is something I can’t do until I’m writing code on the arduino and choosing pin assignments. Or can I?

The situation – dealing with external dependencies – is a common problem when using TDD, and there’s a great pattern to deal with it, which is described at length in my post: Port/Adapter/Simulator. Instead of building code that talks directly to the hardware, I can define an abstraction on top of the serial register. I’ll build a simulator that I can use for test purposes, and then a real version when I move the code to the arduino.

Here’s the abstraction (aka “port”):

interface IShiftRegister
byte GetBit();
void SetParallelMode(byte parallelMode);
void SetSerialClock(byte serialClock);

To test the code that uses this abstraction, I built a simulator (using TDD), along with a full set of unit tests for the simulator:

public class ShiftRegisterSimulator : IShiftRegister
public void SimulateParallelLoad(byte value) {}

public byte GetBit() {}
public void SetSerialClock(byte serialClock) {…}
public void SetParallelMode(byte parallelMode) {…}

The simulator implements the 3 methods in the port, and also one additional method to put values into the shift register. I also write a DataStrobeSimulator that lets me simulate an interrupt, and then I can write a test for the BusDataConverter class:

public void when_strobe_with_a_medium_value__it_has_the_correct_value()
DataStrobeSimulator dataStrobe = new DataStrobeSimulator();
ShiftRegisterSimulator shiftRegister = new ShiftRegisterSimulator();

BusDataConverter busDataConverter =
new BusDataConverter(dataStrobe, shiftRegister);


Assert.AreEqual(179, busDataConverter.GetValue());

This test sets up the shift register simulator with a  value, simulates the strobe, and then verifies that the BusDataConverter correctly reads the data from the shift register.

So far, this approach has worked well; I’m confident that the code is pretty close to what I will need.