Inaugural Eastside Tours Food Bank Challenge

Because I lead a Tuesday and Thursday night hilly ride and manage a popular internet bicycle climbing site, some have assume that I am a climber. And they are correct, at least by some measures; if you compare me to the average fifth grader, I am quite the climber. Compared to the people that I ride with, not so much; we hit the base of the hill, I tell them where the top will be, and they ride off.

The 6’2” frame that I got from my parents has been good to me over the years, but it is not especially optimized to cycling, especially when compared to the undersized runts that I ride with. What I need is a way to handicap them in some ways, to even the odds. A way to get them to handicap *themselves*.

And thus the Food Bank Challenge was born…

By disguising the event as a fundraiser (foodraiser?) for Northwest Harvest, I could get the riders in my group to self-handicap themselves.

The rules are simple.

  1. Show up to the ride with a backpack (or panniers) filled with food.
  2. Ride carrying all the extra weight.
  3. At the end you put all the food in the back of Eric’s car
  4. Go out for burritos.

Unfortunately, the weather was not as clement as hoped and many of the lighter climbers that I targeted did not show up, but we still managed to collect about 75 pounds of food.


My backpack held the 20 pound bag of rice on the left plus 5 pasta boxes for a total of 25 lbs.

So, what do you think ?